Monday 6 December 2010

6th December

Am cooking Nigel's beef, beer and onion stew.  When I made this before the taste was more bitter than ideal, which we blamed on the beer.  (In way or another the beer is blamed for quite a few of the mistakes made in our household, but in this instance I think the blame was correctly placed.)  So tonight I used Fuller's London Porter, which is labelled  "Rich, dark & complex".   Whilst musing on the WLTM potential,  I actually drank some rather than pour the whole bottle in with the beef - and it was surprisingly nice.  In with the beef went homegrown thyme and bay and I could not resist adding half a small chilli. 

Rich, dark, complex, hot and beefy - any takers?

Yesterday, as part of Xmas preparations made Nigel's Lemon ice-cream in ginger nut crust, result was light and creamy, a small amount went a long way.  This was after fish pie (Jamie's recipe which is consistently good.) 

The culinary challenge for next weekend will be children!