Monday 29 November 2010

29th November

Here's a conundrum based on a true story.
You want to cook a supper for a group of friends who are expected at different times over the course of an evening - something warming and simple.  Chilli con carne  might seem like a good idea; here's the catch, among your 8 friends are 2 veggies (chille sin carne?), one of whom doesn't eat mushrooms and of the omnivores, one doesn't like beans.  So you cook a pot of meat, a pot of veggie chilli without mushrooms and a pot of veggie chilli without beans; everyone can mix as they desire.  Then friend number 7 turns up and you remember she doesn't like peppers....
But thanks so much J, it was great - as was the whole weekend.
Maybe the moral of the story is that although vegetarians eat vegetables and carnivores eat meat, omnivores don't really eat everything!

1 comment:

  1. It was like an algebra question: if x number of diners eat meat and y don't, z doesn't like beans but likes meat and 1 diner doesn't like meat or mushrooms .... how many pots of chilli are required ?

    And completely forgot about S and peppers!

    It was a lovely weekend, thanks for coming up. See you in a couple of weeks.

